A blog to keep all my friends and family, as well as anyone else who cares, up to date with what I'm up to on my round the world trip.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Still in Melbourne

I've now been in Melbourne for about two and a half weeks without finding work but things are looking up.

I had an interview this morning for a job as a sales rep for a toy company and I've been called back for a second interview tomorrow morning.

I also had an interview today with an employment agency which could sort me out with either temporary or contract work, so hopefully by the weekend I'll either have a job or at least some temp work sorted out for next week.

Apart from looking for work I've been seeing a bit more of Melbourne. I was at the Melbourne Museum last week. It was really interesting but the best bit was that it had the set from the Robinson's kitchen in Neighbours. It was the actual one that got used up until 1999 when they rebuilt it.

The weather in Melbourne tends to be in the low twenties with a good few cloudy days but the last couple of days have been nice so I've spent a bit of time down by the Yarra River, sunning myself.

Swag and Mac are still in Surfers' Paradise but are going to be arriving here on Sunday to spend a few days.


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